You can of course call me at any time, for any reason. However, a Scheduled Appointment does guarantee my availability at a time which matches your schedule. You can use Flash Appointments to schedule a call for DBA’s, Monthly Calls, Welcome Calls, or any other reason. Keep in mind that scheduled appointments do fill up fast, so always schedule early (you can schedule appointments up to 7 days in advance). Appointments can be made in 15 minute blocks. A Monthly Call, DBA, or Welcome Call usually can be completed in one block. If you would like to take care of more then one of those items in a single appointment, just reserve consecutive additional 15 minute blocks of time. If you have a need to meet on a unavailable day and/or time, just email or call so we can arrange to talk at a time which accommodates your schedule.

Please put your appointment on your calendar and be sure to call in on time. If you have cancel your appointment please do so as soon as possible so it can be available for another student!