How many collaborative assignments do I have to do?

You will need to complete at least 1 assignment as a group out of the following options: 3.04, 3.08, 5.01, 6.04, 6.06, and 6.10. You will need to complete the individual options for the ones you don't do collaboratively (with the exception of 6.10) .

Which ones do you suggest?

Personally, I Think this is a "You Pick 'em" situation. Choose a topic that interests you the most.

I just started the course. Do I need to worry about this yet?

You should go ahead and do these right away. It is more than fine for you to go out of order on these, and I in fact encourage it. Go ahead and get these done now to avoid being in a state of desperation at the end of the course.

How do I get a group?

The best way to find partners is to attend the online Elluminate sessions. You will be able to form a group and complete the assignment right there (for 3.04 or 3.08 debates) or get organized with a team and get off to a good start (for 5.01, 6.04, or 6.06 Web 2.0 Tools project). If you choose to do 6.10 you will attend the Final Exam Review webinar.

What is Elluminate and how do I get there?

Elluminate is just an online meeting. Please check out the announcement page. The link is provided for you on the Collaboration Calendar. If this is your first time attending an online session like this, I would strongly encourage you to visit and follow steps one and two to verify that you have the required software installed on your computer and are all set up to participate.

When are the meetings?

Elluminate sessions are offered periodically throughout the month. Be sure to view the collaboration calendar from the announcement page.

Can't I just email my classmates to find a group?

While you are allowed to do this, it does tend to get a little out of hand. Please be respectful of your classmates, and only do this if there is no way you can attend a session. Trust me...things run much smoother if you just go the meeting to find a group because that way you can get the activity done right away.

Email me if you have any burning questions that I forgot to answer. Be excellent! Mr. F